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Podcast Community Getting Bigger!

Photo credit : Toni Smailagić from Cre8Jax

One thing you should know about me is that I love connecting with others and making new friends and Jacksonville Podcaster's Unite Group does exactly that. For a while now, every quarter we have a meeting with all the podcasters here in Jacksonville, FL.

A quick pic with the guys of The Wait For It Podcast - Eric Serna and Phil Smith

During our last event, on January 26th, we got a change to connect with each other, learn more about our projects and also see how we can all help one another to new milestones.

The best part of the night was when Buzzsprout gave a presentation guiding us all how to better improve our podcasting journey. Make sure to see their live presentation HERE.

Pic with Alban Brooke (Buzzsprout - Head of Marketing) and John Pollard ( Higher Pixels - VP of Software Development)

Gary Spurgeon, the founder of Studio Podcast Suites also offered a raffle for one podcaster to win a FREE 1-Hour Podcast Studio Session and Video, and I was the lucky winner for the raffle. I am excited to work with Studio Podcast Suites soon and bring an amazing special episode to the audience. Stay tuned for that guys!


Toni Smailagić from Cre8Jax took some amazing pictures of the event so make sure to check those out as well.


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