It has been my distinct pleasure holding the President Chair position for three years now for FSCJ-SHRM (Florida State College at Jacksonville - Society of Human Resource Managment) Student Chapter. With the partnership of chapter advisors, Professor of Business Christina Goodell, FSCJ Professor of Business Law and Employment Law Harvey Slentz and Instructional Program Manager, and SHRM Advisor Shirley Learn, we were able to receive the 2019-2020 Superior Merit Award from Society of Human Resource Management.

FSCJ-SHRM Student Chapter receives this award for the 4th year in the row and we just could not be happier. Our chapter organizes HR educations events throughout the school year for students and HR professionals. Each event averages about 55 attendees and it keeps growing every time.

Three years ago when I took over the position we had only 4 attendees on our first event and being mad is an understatement. Since a little, I had this stigma that when my name is attached to something I need to make sure it becomes the best version of itself. After meeting with the advisors we came up with new marketing strategies and by our next event, we saw a drastic change. Participation went from 4 members to 68 members. It was a total success, and I liked the success feeling, so we did not let go of our happy momentum.

Every year we came up with new strategies and the chapter keeps growing continuously. Recently we even had SHRM HQ reach out to us to see what was working for our chapter and how are we able to keep a high momentum. I sat down with Christopher Lopez, Manager and Emerging Professional Engagement
with Society of Human Resource Management, and went over our strategies to help other national chapters reach new milestones.

FSCJ (Florida State College at Jacksonville) also wrote an article about our recent award. CLICK HERE to read the article and enjoy the official SHRM Award video below.

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