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10 Life Lessons I Learned in 2019


1️⃣ The more you put yourself out there, the more you learn and improve yourself. Connect with professionals and people to have quality conversations. The process will help you paint the picture of success better. . 2️⃣ Let go of what hurt you. If you have someone that hurt you, get yourself together and have a coffee with that person. Explain how you feel and let them know you forgive them. It will help you move! . 3️⃣ Make your mistakes a teachable moment. A mistake is a mistake only if it’s repeated, if you learn from it than it’s a teachable moment. . 4️⃣ Health is one of the most important things in life. Celebrate your good health and your family’s health. . 5️⃣ If something is making you miserable, that being a job, a relationship or a friendship, make an exit plan. Try to fix it by being upfront and talking to the person (or your boss if it’s your job) and if you do not feel understood move on. Life is too short to be miserable. . 6️⃣ Save as much 💰 as possible. Take 10% or 20% of your paycheck and deposit on a whole separate account, one you can not access easily . CASH IS KING! Life is unpredictable and emergencies don’t ask for permission, they just happened. . 7️⃣ Spend as much time as possible with your closest people. They will support you, understand you and push you to better yourself. . 8️⃣ Find a hobby. Find somethings you love doing or spending time on, something that gives you energy and positivity. . 9️⃣ A bad day does not equal with a bad life. If you have a bad day just let it go. Don’t take the anger of yesterday to today, because you already are starting the day with a grey view, instead of colors. . 🔟 Take yourself on dates, that being a coffee, a reading in the park, jamming up music by yourself and dancing, eating your favorite food or sleeping in one day and being comfy with yourself. If you do not take yourself out on dates, why would other people would want to take you on a date.


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